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About Slaton Kinesiology

Unleash Your Potential

 The premier performance facility for Magnolia, AR. Our specialty is coaching and instructing Functional Fitness, Olympic Weightlifting, Speed Training, Fundamental Sports Skills, and Physical Education. Using Suspension Training, Functional Movement, Free Weights, Tires, Chains, Sleds, Battle Ropes, Hammers, etc.

SK Program Schedule



Monday - 5:00 AM, Noon, 5:45 PM


Tuesday - 5:00 AM, Noon, 5:45 PM


Wednesday - 5:00 AM, Noon, 5:45 PM


Thursday - 5:00 AM,  Noon, 5:45 PM


Friday - 5:00 AM, Noon, 4:30 PM



Getting Started

To get you going we start by scheduling an assessment.  In the assessment we communicate with you and get to know about your fitness journey, what you have done before and what your goals are moving forward and how we can assist you in meeting those goals. We also assess your current fitness level including flexibility, core control, core strength, and mobility. This allows us to know what movements you need to start with in your first workout. Also we introduce the foundational movements that will be used in our classes so you become familiar with these movements before you come to your first class. We also will go over teaching and coaching cues that we use in the workouts so we are on the same page during workout instruction. 


Assessment Times: 5pm by reservation only.  

The assessment is free and afterwards you decide to move forward with membership. 



Getting started


Carrie Slaton 


Ben Ball 






The purpose of the course is to educate each individual on proper nutrition practices to prepare, execute, and maintain a healthy active lifestyle. 



-what are macros and the science behind them

-how and why your body needs and uses macros. 

-how many macros you need based on you and your goals. 

-which foods contain what macros

-how to eat macros correctly 

-how to plan your macro intake

-best times of the day for you to eat and what macros to eat based on your type of exercise, work schedule, and workout schedule




The course is designed to give you the knowledge, tools, and foundation to be able to plan, prepare and eat foods that YOU like in the proper scientific ratio that fit your goals while maintaining the physiological balance your body needs to

enjoy lifelong, sustainable, proper nutrition practices to live healthy, fit, and strong. 


The course is $195 for non-members. 


Click to become a member and the course is $150. A savings of $45.   


Courses are held on select Saturdays from 9am-noon. 


Email below for upcoming course dates.

Young Athletes 

Learn More

Young Athletes

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At SLATON KINESIOLOGY, we look at each day as an opportunity to improve not only physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. Win the day encompasses this mindset - do your best each day to improve upon yesterday.


Our Address:

820 Arkansas, Magnolia, AR 71753


Send us an email here!


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